The Failure of 'Mencari Cinta'

Lastly, TV3 realized that, "Mencari Cinta" program is not suitable in the Malaysian environment and it is full of controversies. TV3 must take into consideration the sensitivity of Malay viewer when they want to introduce any new program which is similar like that. A program that adopted from the west is not necessarily suitable into our culture. A lot of american reality show programs are not suitable to be introduced in Malaysian culture such as 'Fear Factor' (the disgusting part), 'Simple Life', 'Average Joe', 'American Most Top Model', etc... No matter much effort (the customization of culture) has been put to make it acceptable but as in total, the whole concept of searching life partners is still far from the aspiration of Malay tradition and culture. This might be a good lesson to TV3. They must alert to the Malaysian sensivity especially to the Malay community. On the other hands, TV3 can try to approach the reality show concept from the west which is really good to be followed such as 'The Apperentice', 'Amazing Race' etc... A lot of good lesson

Anyway, 'Bersamamu' still become the best effort from TV3 for helping the hopeless and the needy. Keep up this good efforts.

Quoted from Utusan Malaysia Jan 11, 2006

KUALA LUMPUR 11 Jan. - Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Berhad (TV3) membuat keputusan menghentikan program realiti televisyen Mencari Cinta yang gagal menjodohkan Elly Zakaria dan jejaka pilihannya, Danial Iskandar Abdul Rahman.

Bagaimanapun Pengurus Besar Kumpulan Pengurusan Jenama TV3, Nurul Aini Abu Bakar berkata, langkah itu diambil bukan kerana kegagalan pasangan tersebut berkahwin atau ia pernah mencetuskan kontroversi tetapi disebabkan stesen itu berhasrat menerbitkan sebuah program realiti televisyen yang baru.

``Program itu lebih kurang sama formatnya seperti Mencari Cinta tetapi dalam versi Cina,'' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia ketika dihubungi di sini.

Mencari Cinta pernah menjadi isu hangat di kalangan masyarakat apabila program itu dikatakan kurang sesuai dengan aspirasi dan budaya masyarakat Melayu dalam soal mencari jodoh.

Isu itu juga menarik perhatian ahli-ahli politik apabila ia turut diketengahkan pada sidang Dewan Rakyat.
Malah, sehingga kini Mencari Cinta terus diperkatakan ramai apabila pemenangnya, Danial, 31, tidak mempunyai sebarang perancangan untuk mengahwini pasangannya dalam program itu, Elly, 29.

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