Dear Gentle Reader,
Remember this historic date: 12 April 2008. Malaysia's top entertainment and lifestyle bloggers met up today to discuss the formation of a formal association that will be opened to all entertainment and lifestyle bloggers.
The association, which has no name yet, will then seek to serve as a united front for all entertainment and lifestyle bloggers and to bring them under one umbrella organisation where they may enjoy fellowship, support and solidarity, and also be officially recognised as valid contributors to the new/alternative media. The association will also champion responsible and ethical blogging.
It was unanimously agreed that the six founding members of this association will draft The Constitution, present A Blogger's Code Of Ethics for the association, and apply for official registration with The Registrar of Societies.
Apa yg aku tertarik dgn idea sultanmuzaffar nie, they will draft the constitution of the new association. I suggest sultan muzaffar to be a president for this new association. This association will champion responsible and ethical blogging. GREAT !!!
Apa yg aku terpikir skarang nie, dgn cara nie kita boleh mengurangkan kadar penganguran di Malaysia. The jobless graduate bleh bekerja sendiri. Blogging can make money. What u need, 1 laptop and internet connection. as simple as that. Ramai yg buat Mass Com susah sgt nak dpt kerja. SO then, start blogging. If you can get 1 million reader, without attending interview you can get a job from The Star, Utusan, Berita Harian.... tu contoh lah.
Aku sokong sangat usaha murni Sultan Muzaffar. Aku nampak usaha nie akan memberi impact yg sangat besar pada lifestyle rakyat malaysia. Org tak lagi bergantung pada makan gaji. Entertainment industry can grow bigger and bigger. Nak tau apasal bleh grow, byk benda yg bleh dihighlight apa yg tak tercover oleh mainstream media. In term legal matters, byk benda yg perlu di'discuss'kan.
ANyway. Keep up all the good works. Aku sokong dari belakang jer.
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