Malaysian Government Sites been Hacked !

Hacker group Anonymous launched their attack on websites owned by Malaysia's government in an effort dubbed 'Operation Malaysia'. In a statement posted on several online portals such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, the vigilante group revealed the reasons behind the attack, saying that it was done to teach the country's administration a lesson for censoring whistle blower site WikiLeaks, as well as the recent blocking of file-sharing websites which they claim is in violation of human rights. Multiple websites were brought down in the attack, although reports on the number of those affected varied from once source to another. Source: YTL Special Report

"Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favour."

Byk sgt corruption nyer kat Malaysia nie .... aku nk tanya, kenapa cuma Astro shj boleh dapat hak penyiaran Sukan Utama Dunia ... World Cup, EPL etc etc ... mana RTM ? mana TV3 ? sapa yg beri hak nie kepada Astro ? kenapa Astro monopoli dan sesuka hati charge rakyat Malaysia yg bayar cukai....  sebelum Astro... boleh tengok free Piala Dunia (semua perlawanan)... kat RTM ... skarang hampeh... RTM ambil game tertentu jer. Nk tengok Maharaja Lawak pun kena bayar... Subcribe Astro Warna. Semua kena bayar.. sikit sikit kena bayar.

Orang cakap.. klaau tak nak bayar, tengok jer RTM .... huh... rancangan TV kat RTM tuh macam tkde grade. Berita nyer tak best... drama tak best... hiburan kelakar tak best... hiburan minggu ini (HMI) kira boleh lah.. itu pun suram... harap kan Documentary dari National Geography jer yg OK pun... sebab import rancangan luar... Iklan kan banyak.. camner bleh tak masyuk plak kan ? ader iklan Breeze, Fab, Ding Dang, Tora, Colgate ... tak kan RTM tak bleh bawak masuk rancangan yang best best ...

Bintang RTM dh suram sangat berbanding Mentor, Akademi Fantasia. rancangan agama kat Astro Oasis lebih baik berbanding RTM... Rancangan kartun waktu petang di TV9 lagi baik dari RTM... bual bicara pagi, Nasi lemak Kopi O dan MHI lebih best dari Selamat Pagi Malaysia... Apa sudah jadi dengan RTM... Ntah sapa sapa lah yg jadi pengarah seni kat RTM tuh kan ?  Industri creative nie kadang kadang tak perlu pun Ijazah tinggi-tinggi ... kalau portfolio menarik.. superb.. why not ? kan !

Bila hacker dah mula menggemparkan suasana... mula lah nak gelabah... camner portal kerajaan bleh kena hack plak kan ? sapa yg diaorang hire utk jaga ICT nie... slama nie buat kerja ker tak ? atau kerja manjang pergi kursus, seminar, cuti... minum dan minum dan minum... pukul 10 minum, pkl 12 minum, pukul 4 minum... pkl 5 balik... hari hari pikir bila nak naik pangkat dari 41, ke 44  ke 48, 52, dan 54... patut lah senang senang jer kena hacked.

Mamat Khalid dalam citer Kak Limah Balik Rumah secara simbolik nyer (apa yg aku perasan lah..  pemahaman aku) mengkritik kakitangan kerajaan yg asyik berseminar... (watak kelindan ambulan tuh) 

"saya sebok nie.. ader seminar"... "bala.. bala.."
"saya ader hal hari nie... sebok nie .. bala... bala"

dari aku kecik smpai laaa nie... harjit Singh Hullon masih baca berita ... takde orang lain ker ? bayar gaji ciput ... sapa nak masuk RTM... bala... bala

V - for Vendetta ( I like this movie )

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