Anugerah Juara Lagu kali ke 20

First of all, I would like to congratulate the winner for their achivement in the AJL 20, 2006. Congratullation to Jaclyn, Mawi and Hazami and also, not to be forgotten a big solute to the composer and lyric writer, Aubrey Suwito, M.Nasir and Loloq,

Generally, the overall commment for AJL 2006 is great... it has shown the progress of music evolution... but it is still need some improvement parallel to the development of music industry... currently, AJL contesting 3 category which are Balada, Pop Rock and Ethic Creative... but, the new revolution in this industry has facing a difficulties to be defined clearly their type of music if AJL only contest this 3 categories. Where a new urban type of music can be fall to: such as Hip Hop, RnB, Soul, Ska, Rap, Funky....etc. How about Blues and Jazz... hmmm...???

It can't be defined as a Pop Rock and Balada... Ethnic Creative ? still far behind the enemy line... Hazami type of song is not a Pop Rock.. is it a Pop Rock? I don't know... I'm not the expert... but as a music follower... I still can't accept that Hazami type of music has the element of Pop Rock...

May be, in the future TV3 and AJL can offer more categories or rename it if they want to satisfy and suits the music condition... so, this a challenge to revolutinize the music evolution...



Nak citer skit pasal fesyen artis-artis Red Carpet malam tuh...

Fasha Sandha: Paling tak senonoh... sikit jer lagi nak ternampak buah dada... konon pakaian ala-ala J.Lo ... dah lah fesyen tak pakai bra, apa ingat ni holywood ker? nie malaywood lah... kalau dlm drama (natasha) kan main baik lagi budak nyer... pijak semut pun tak mati.. tapi.. malam AJL.. dia melaram macam nak tayang segala gala nyer.. kalau tak silap aku.. pagi tadi mulut laser ERA ada citer pasal artis yg pakaian nyer menjolok mata... terus aku teringat kat baju Fasha malam tuh... lenkali, cari lah baju yg elok dan sopan... tgk Raja Endon pakai.. kan elok sikit....

Raja Endon: Baju dia OK... patut lah dapat hadiah Loreal... sesuai lah dgn environment masyarakat Malaysia... warna hitam merah tuh memang cantik...

Farah Fauzana: Baju yg last dia pakai last skali tuh.. tak best langsung... But tinggi+Skirt+Shirt.. buruk nyer.. saper lah pilih baju tu untuk dia... serius.. memang buruk... baju dari awal rancangan tu semua OK dah.. yg last skali tuh.. buruk sangat...

Kartini: Just nice jer... simple sahaja... OK lah.. not bad... first time tengok dia pakai macam tuh.. selalu tengok 3R dia pakai se simple habis... bila pakai utk dinner punya event... kira OK lah...

Dina (MI): Makin teruk budak nie berpakaian... tak consult fesyen designer ker? Badan tuh dah makin naik... berdiet lah sikit... bila perform nampak mengah sangat... macam mana nak buat concert solo.. stamina??? dengan fesyen rambut ala ala cat ruffedge... tak sesuai dgn concept lagu dia... rating aku utk dina masuk ketegori buruk... tak sesuai langsung... make up pun buruk... kan elok kalau dia dress macam dia masuk final malaysian idols... style yg sewaktu dengan nyer... jgn nak tiru ala ezlyn atau elyana... diaorg punya cutting lain...

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