Review Filem: Bunohan

Filem Bunohan Arahan Dain Said mendapat banyak pujian pada Festival Filem Antarabangsa. 

Apakah istimewanya filem Bunohan sehingga ia mampu menjelajah dunia walaupun belum ditayangkan di negara ini.

Bukan itu sahaja, Bunohan juga mencipta rekodnya sendiri apabila ia mendapat hak pengedaran oleh Universal Pictures untuk menayangkan filem itu hampir ke seluruh dunia tidak lama lagi.

Apa yang membanggakan, Bunohan juga kini sudah mendapat tempat di beberapa festival filem antarabangsa sehingga mendapat ulasan yang sangat positif daripada pengkritik filem asing.

Sebagai contoh, sewaktu Bunohan ditayangkan di Festival Filem Antarabangsa Toronto 2011 di Kanada sekitar September lalu, ia merupakan antara filem asing yang mendapat perhatian meluas.
Tidak cukup dengan ituBunohan juga mendapat ulasan positif dari majalah hiburan ternama,Variety dan The Hollywood Reporter yang menyifatkan filem itu sebagai sebuah karya yang cukup menakjubkan.

Malah, pujian melambung juga telah diberikan kepada semua barisan pelakon yang telah memberikan lakonan hebat dan mantap sehinggakan salah seorang pelakon utamanya, Faizal Hussein yang membawakan watak Ilham dalam filem itu dilabelkan sebagai Jack Palance Malaysia.

Memang sukar untuk memberikan jawapan itu kerana Malaywood belum pernah menonton filem tersebut melainkan sedutannya sahaja seperti mana yang terdapat di YouTube.

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Antara review dari pengkritik Antarabangsa:

Full disclosure: I thought this was a kickboxing movie. So imagine my surprise when Bunohan (AKA Return to Murder) proved to be nothing of the kind. Set amidst the beautiful Kelantan region of Malaysia, Bunohan is much more concerned with family relations and the ramifications of their actions upon each other and the environment.
It's a very quiet, somber movie, only tangentially related to the world of kick boxing, though the opening scenes involve Adil (Zahiril Adzim), a fighter who has fallen into financial hardship. Desperate to climb out of debt, he agrees to a "duel to the death" in a club in Thailand, but is rescued by his friends when it looks like he might lose the fight. They flee across the nearby border to Malaysia, and Adil seeks refuge in his hometown of Bunohan, translated into English as "Murder." The club owner sends Ilham (Faizel Hussein), an assassin, after Adil, and Ilham leaves a bloody trail behind in his search for Adil. Things get complicated when Ilham and Adil discover they are stepbrothers, and that another brother, Bakar, has also returned home. [read more] Reviewed by: Peter Martin
With a list of ancestors that includes Shakespeare, Tran Anh Hung, "The Godfather" and the Bible, "Bunohan" serves up a feast of archetypes and violence amid a story that twines like a basketful of cobras to deliver a movie that's ripe as a mango for a U.S. remake. The border-hopping Malaysian plotline defies pigeonholing -- it's a fight film with echoes of "King Lear," and a ghost story about living people who occupy the edge of existence. Specialty bookers could well be turned off by the brutal violence, but a dose of visceral horror is well worth the trip to "Bunohan."
Helmer Dain Said mixes together magical realism, the kind of shocking mayhem reminiscent of Tran's "Cyclo" and philosophical digressions that might throw another movie off course. But "Bunohan" (both a village in backwater Malaysia and a word for "murder") never loses the fluid momentum Said achieves right from the opening moments, featuring a vicious Muay Thai fight-to-the-death in Thailand, in which the badly outclassed Adil (Zahril Adzim) is rescued by his best friend Muski (Amerul Affendi). This sets in motion a labyrinthine series of narrative connections which again, thanks to Said's command of his story and medium, only tighten the film's grip on viewers. [read more] Reviewed by: John Anderson

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takpe...mai jemput baca review Bunohan di ...heee...share comment dan pendapat mengenai filem Bunohan..

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